Conditions of Use(ご利用規約) |
「」(以下番組という)が提供するインターネットサービスに関し、本規約は契約者(以下契約者という)及び利用者(以下会員という)に対しての一切の関係に適用致します。 第1条 契約者とは、会員とは 1.番組の定める会員とは、本規約を承諾のうえ、番組を利用する全ての方を示します。 2.番組の定める契約者とは、本規約を承諾のうえ、番組が指定する会員登録申請手続きを完了し、番組が承認後にIDおよびパスワードを発行した方を示します。 3.申し込みを承認するのに支障があると判断した場合、番組は入会を承認しない場合があります。 4.登録が承認された契約者は、番組が指定する登録取り消し手続きを経る事により、自由に登録を取り消すことができます。 第2条 法律および地域社会の規範に対する準拠に関して 1.会員は自らの居住する地域社会における風俗系メディアに関する規範・法律を理解し、番組におけるアダルト 映像の送受信の閲覧がこうした規範・法律に違反しないことを言明します。 2.会員は本サイトの題材を要求、受信、処理することに関し、番組に一切の責任がないことを言明します。 第3条 アダルトコンテンツ閲覧に関する同意に関して 1.番組は、アダルトまたはポルノに類される性的画像、言語、および音声へのアクセスを希望する成人(21歳以上もしくは居住する司法管轄権における成人年齢に達している個人)だけを対象に作成されたものである。 2.番組内の題材には、裸体および性行為が描写されており、21歳以下もしくは居住する司法管轄権における成人年齢に達していない個人、またはこうした内容の表示を望まない成人は、これにアクセスしてはならない。 3.会員は以下のことを宣言し、その内容に同意する。 「偽証罪告知の下、会員は自分が21歳以上もしくは居住する司法管轄権における成人年齢に達しており、21歳以下もしくは居住する司法管轄権における成人年齢に達していない個人に対し、番組に含まれる題材へのアクセスを禁止することを約束し、ここに宣誓する。会員は、番組へのアクセスにより、アダルトまたはポルノに類される性的画像、言語、および音声が表示されることを理解し、自らの娯楽、情報収集、教育を目的に、番組に含まれるあらゆる題材の視聴を希望する。このサイトの閲覧は、会員の住む地域社会における平均的成人個人が持つ健康的かつ一般的な性への関心・興味を表す行為である。会員は自らの居住する地域社会におけるこのような性的題材の許容度をよく理解し、番組の題材が当該地域社会で許容されるものであるとみなす。会員は、当該地域社会に居住する平均的成人が、未成年またはこうした題材の閲覧を希望しない成人に対してのアクセスを禁止するという状況下で、番組の題材を容認・消費し、また本番組の題材を猥褻または不快と認識することがないと判断する。」 第4条 IDおよびパスワードの管理に関して 1.契約者はIDおよびパスワード管理責任を負います。 2.IDおよびパスワードの漏洩、譲渡、名義の変更はできません。 3.番組は、IDおよびパスワードの使用上の過誤や第三者の使用による損害の責任を一切負いません。 4.IDおよびパスワードを忘れた場合や紛失した場合、盗まれた場合は、速やかにお知らせください。また、ID及 びパスワードの再発行は如何なる場合でも致しません。 第5条 情報の利用に関して 1.番組からダウンロード等して得た音源データ、静止画像データ、動画データ、その他の情報の取り扱いは、会員個人としての私的利用に限られます。第三者への譲渡、複製、配布、上映等の行為は私的利用の範囲を逸脱します。 第6条 ご利用料金に関して 1.契約者は、番組が別途定める料金を、番組が別途定める課金・決済システムを通して支払うものとします。 2.会費等利用料の料金は事前通知(メールまたはサイト内インフォメーション)をもって変更することがあります。 第7条 サービスの開始および課金に関して 1.番組の利用を申し込み、番組が承認した際に付与するID及びパスワードを利用して 番組のサービスが開始されます。 2.ID及びパスワードが発行された時点をサービスの開始とします。開始から番組が定める料金形態に応じて料金が課金されます。 3.番組ご入会の前に、必ずサンプル動画で動画の再生状態やダウンロード状態をお確かめの上ご利用下さい。また必要とされるソフトウェア(現時点ではWindows Media Player)の動作も合わせてご確認下さい。ご利用のプロバイダー及びご利用のコンピュータ、回線状況等により、ダウンロード等に不具合が生じても、ご利用料金等の返金は一切致しません。尚、いったんダウンロードされたコンテンツの返品や精算には応じません。 4.番組ご入会時には会員レベルにより入会月の月会費が加算されます。 第8条 登録情報に関して 1. 本サービス入会時に申請する登録情報については、いかなる虚偽の申告も認めないものとします。 2. 契約者は、支払い方法、E-Mailアドレスなど申し込み時の登録事項に変更が生じた場合、すみやかに番組に通知し、番組が別途規定する方法で変更手続きを行うものとします。 第9条 会員としての禁止行為について 1.会員には、サービスの利用にあたり以下のような行為をしないことを確約していただきます。 (1)コピー防止アレンジメントの潜脱行為 (2)第3条に定める私的利用の範囲を逸脱する行為 (3)他の会員または第三者もしくは番組の著作権、著作隣接権、その他の知的財産権の侵害 (4)他の会員または第三者もしくは番組への誹謗、中傷 (5)他の会員または第三者もしくは番組に不利益を与える行為 (6)売名、宣伝にわたる行為 (7)公序良俗に反する行為 (8)法令に違反するもの、違反のおそれのある行為 (9)サービスの運営を妨げる行為 (10)他のネットに接続した場合、接続先の規約等に違反する行為 (11)インターネットの円滑な利用を妨げる行為 (12)その他、番組が不適切と判断する行為 第10条 会員資格の喪失に関して 1.番組は、以下の場合、会員の資格を失わせる事ができるものとします。 (1)第7条の禁止行為に該当すると番組が判断した行為があった場合 (2)申し込みにあたって虚偽の事項を記載したことが判明した場合 (3)料金の支払いを遅延した場合 (4)クレジットカードの有効期限が切れた場合や、その他の理由で課金が無効になった場合 (5)ネットおよび番組に対する妨害の行為があった場合 (6)スパム行為と番組が判断した場合 (7)一括ダウンロードシステム等の利用により番組に多大な負荷の掛かる行為があった場合 (8)本規約に違反したとき (9)その他、番組が不適切と判断する行為 2.会員資格を失わせる場合、すでに支払われた利用料金は返却いたしません。 第11条 退会について 1.契約者が退会する場合、次回会費更新日の20日前までに『退会フォーム』より退会の手続きを行って下さい。 2.退会の場合、すでにお支払い済みの料金などの払い戻しには応じられません。 第12条 運営の停止に関して 1.番組は、保守作業、停電や天災などの不可抗力、その他の理由によりサービスの運営を予告なく停止することがあります。 2.サービスの運営停止は出来る限り事前にネット上で予告しますが、緊急時はこの限りではありません。 第13条 サービスの廃止に関して 1.番組は営業上、技術上などの理由によりサービスを廃止することがあります。この場合、すみやかに会員に告知するものとします。 第14条 番組の免責事項について 1.番組は、サービスの完全な運営に努めますが、サービスの中断、運営の停止また予期せぬ障害等によって会員に損害が生じた場合、番組は免責されるものとします。 2.番組は、会員がサービスによって得る情報の正確性、完全性、有用性を保証いたしません。 3.サービスの使用により会員に発生したいかなる損害についても、番組は責任を負いません。 4.サービスの使用により、会員が他の会員または第三者に損害を与えた場合、当該会員の責任と費用において解決していただき、番組に損害を与えないものとします。 第15条 本規約の範囲および変更に関して 1.番組がネット上で随時、会員に対して発表する諸規程は本規約の一部を構成するものとします。 2.以下英文規約に関しても、本規約の範囲となります。 3.番組は、会員の承諾を得ることなく、本規約を変更する場合があります。 第16条 本規約の発効に関して 1.本規約は、番組にアクセスした時点より効力を生じます。 第17条 専属管轄裁判所に関して 1.本規約は、アメリカ合衆国ハワイ州法律の下で解釈されるものとします。 2.本規約および、番組によって提供される本サービスのご利用に関して、番組と会員との間に係争が発生し、訴訟により解決する必要が生じた場合、番組所在地(アメリカ合衆国ハワイ州)を管轄する裁判所を専属管轄裁判所とします。 以上 This Agreement states the Terms and Conditions upon which you may use this Web Site (the "Site"). Please read this page carefully. By using the Site, you are agreeing to be bound by this Agreement between you and GLOSSMEN (the "Company"), and to abide by the terms and conditions set forth herein. In addition, when using specific services, you agree to abide by any guidelines or rules posted in connection with those services, all of which are hereby incorporated by reference into this Agreement. If you do not agree with any posted terms or rules, or with any part of this Agreement, you must not use the Site. This Agreement is subject to change by the Company at any time, and changes are effective upon posting at the Site. Your continued use of the Site following the posting of any changes to this Agreement means that you accept and agree to abide by such changes. If you do not comply with this Agreement at all times when using the Site, the Company reserves the right to deny or restrict your access to the Site. You should visit this page periodically to review the Terms and Conditions, because they are binding on you. BILLING AGENT If you purchase services (including regular and trial subscriptions) from the Site, your payment will be processed securely by Honolulu Networks, LLC ("HN"), the Company is authorized sales agent. Your purchase will be billed as "Honolulu Networks" HN may impose conditions or requirements in addition to those set forth in this Agreement, and your agreement to abide by those terms is also a condition of your use of the Site. HN also provides customer service for billing and payment issues, including processing cancellation of trial subscriptions and regular subscriptions and issuing credits in connection with unauthorized transactions. Please keep a record of the transaction ID number provided by HN when you subscribe, and follow the instructions provided by HN for obtaining assistance with billing-related questions. REGULAR SUBSCRIPTIONS If you purchase a regular subscription, or if you purchase a trial subscription and do not cancel at least one day prior to the end of the Trial Period, you hereby authorize the Company or its authorized agent to charge your credit card (or other approved payment facility) for periodic recurring subscription fees according to the then-current billing terms for the Site. If you cancel your subscription, your termination becomes effective at the end of the current billing period, otherwise your subscription will be automatically renewed for successive 30 day periods, and your credit card (or other approved payment facility) will be charged at the then-current subscription rate. Subscription fees are earned upon receipt and are non-refundable, whether or not termination is at your request. Subscription rates are subject to change at any time without notice. You are liable for any subscription charges incurred by you up to and until termination of your subscription to the Site. If you purchase other goods or services offered on the Site, you authorize the Company or its authorized agent to charge your credit card (or other approved payment facility) for any and all such purchases. You agree not to report as lost or stolen any credit card which you have used in conjunction with payment to the Company or its authorized agent for goods or services that you do not have good reason to believe is, in fact, lost or stolen. You further agree not to report as unauthorized any charge for goods or services that you have, in fact, ordered from the Company. You hereby agree that any such false reporting of a lost or stolen credit card or of unauthorized charges shall render you liable to the Company for liquidated damages in the amount of $5,000.00. The liability for liquidated damages specified in this paragraph shall be in addition to any other liability you may have for breach(es) of any other terms, conditions, promises and warranties set forth in this Agreement. You must promptly inform the Company and its authorized billing agent of changes in the expiration date of any credit card used in connection with the Site; changes in home or billing address; and any actual or suspected apparent breaches of security, such as loss, theft, or unauthorized disclosure or use of an ID or password. Until you notify the Company and its authorized agent of a breach in security, you will remain liable for any unauthorized use of the Site. The Company will provide you with copies of billing records documenting charges for use of the Site upon request. COPYRIGHT The contents of the Site are intended for the personal, noncommercial use of its visitors and subscribers. All materials published on the Site (including, but not limited to articles, photographs, images, illustrations, audio clips and video clips) (the "Content") are protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws, and are owned or controlled by the Company, or by the party credited as the provider of the Content, software or other materials. You agree to abide by all additional copyright or other notices, information or restrictions appearing in conjunction with any Content, software or other materials accessed through the Site. The Site is protected by copyright as a collective work and/or compilation, pursuant to U.S. copyright laws, international conventions and other copyright laws. You may not modify, adapt, translate, exhibit, publish, transmit, participate in the transfer or sale of, reproduce (except as provided in this section of the Terms of the Site), create derivative works from, distribute, perform, display, reverse engineer, decompile or dissemble, or in any way exploit, any of the Content, software, materials or the Site in whole or in part. Visitors (i.e., those who are not subscribers in good standing at the time they access the site) may not download or copy the Content or other downloadable items displayed on the Site except to the extent technically necessary to view such Content in a browser, and then only to the extent that such Content or other downloadable items are located in unsecured, publicly-accessible areas of the Site. Active subscribers may download or copy the Content and other downloadable items displayed on the Site for personal, noncommercial use on one computer at a time only, provided that they maintain all copyright and other notices contained in such Content. Copying or storing of any Content for other than personal, noncommercial use is expressly prohibited without prior written permission from the Company or the copyright holder identified in the individual Content is proprietary notices. SUBSCRIPTIONS MAY NOT BE ASSIGNED OR TRANSFERRED TO ANY OTHER PERSON OR ENTITY, AND ANY SUCH PURPORTED ASSIGNMENT OR TRANSFER WILL RESULT IN THE IMMEDIATE TERMINATION OF THE SUBSCRIPTION PURPORTEDLY ASSIGNED OR TRANSFERRED. THE USE OF THE CONTENT ON ANY OTHER WEB SITE (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THUMBNAILING OF IMAGES BY IMAGE SEARCH ENGINES) OR IN A NETWORKED COMPUTER ENVIRONMENT FOR ANY PURPOSE IS PROHIBITED. FRAMING OF ANY PAGE, IMAGE, GRAPHIC OR OTHER CONTENT BY ANY OTHER WEB SITE IS PROHIBITED. LINKING IS PERMITTED ONLY TO PUBLIC AREAS OF THE SITE, AND THEN ONLY TO HTML DOCUMENTS. LINKING TO IMAGES ("HOTLINKING") IS EXPRESSLY PROHIBITED. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES The Site may contain inaccuracies or typographical errors. The Company makes no representations about the accuracy, reliability, completeness or timeliness of the Site or about the results to be obtained from using the Site. The use of the Site is at your own risk. Changes are periodically made to the Site and may be made at any time. THE SITE IS PROVIDED BY THE COMPANY ON AN "HN" BASIS. THE COMPANY MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AS TO THE OPERATION OF THE SITE OR THE INFORMATION, CONTENT, MATERIALS, OR PRODUCTS INCLUDED ON THE SITE. TO THE FULL EXTENT PERMISSIBLE BY APPLICABLE LAW, THE COMPANY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. COMPANY WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES OF ANY KIND ARISING FROM THE USE OF THE SITE, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, PUNITIVE, AND CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, EVEN IF COMPANY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH LOSSES OR DAMAGES AND REGARDLESS OF THE FORM OF ACTION ASSERTED. COMPANY DOES NOT WARRANT THAT THE SITE WILL BE ERROR-FREE OR THAT THE SITE AND ITS SERVER ARE FREE OF COMPUTER VIRUSES AND OTHER HARMFUL GOODS. IF YOUR USE OF THE SITE OR THE CONTENT RESULTS IN THE NEED FOR SERVICING OR REPLACING EQUIPMENT OR DATA, COMPANY IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THOSE COSTS. USER SUBMISSIONS In general, any communication that you post to the Site is considered to be non-confidential. If particular Web pages permit the submission of communications that will be treated by the Company as confidential, that fact will be stated in Legal Notices on those pages. By posting content in any form to the Site (including communications), you grant the Company a royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable nonexclusive license to use, reproduce, modify, publish, edit, translate, distribute, perform, and display such content alone or as part of other works in any form, media, or technology whether now known or hereafter developed, and to sublicense such rights through multiple tiers of sublicensees. You further agree to execute, at the Companys request, any documents reasonably required by the Company to demonstrate the existence of such license, and in the event that the Company cannot locate you following reasonable efforts, you irrevocably designate the Company your attorney-in-fact to execute such documents on your behalf, which designation shall be deemed coupled with an interest. You are responsible for your own communications and are responsible for their consequences. You must not do the following things post, transmit, promote, link, or facilitate the distribution of ("Post") material that is copyrighted, unless you are the copyright owner or have the permission of the copyright owner to Post it Post material that reveals trade secrets, unless you own them or have the permission of the owner Post material that infringes on any other intellectual property rights of others or on the privacy or publicity rights of others Post material that is obscene, defamatory, threatening, harassing, abusive, hateful, or embarrassing to another subscriber or any other person or entity Post a sexually-explicit image to a public area of the Site Post advertisements or solicitations of business Post chain letters or pyramid schemes; or impersonate another person. By using the Site, you agree to indemnify, hold harmless and defend the Company against any damages caused by your violation of this Agreement, including reasonable attorneys fees. The Company does not represent or guarantee the truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any of communications posted by visitors or subscribers or endorse any opinions expressed by visitors or subscribers. You acknowledge that any reliance on material posted by visitors or subscribers is at your own risk. The Company does not screen communications in advance and is not responsible for screening or monitoring material posted by visitors or subscribers. If notified of communications that allegedly do not conform to this Agreement, the Company may investigate the allegation and determine in good faith and its sole discretion whether to remove or request the removal of the communication. The Company has no liability or responsibility to visitors or subscribers for performance or nonperformance of such activities. The Company reserves the right to expel visitors or subscribers and prevent their further access to the Site for violating this Agreement or the law and the right to remove communications which are abusive, illegal, or disruptive. RULES OF CONDUCT When using the Site, you must abide by the Rules of Conduct. Violation of the Rules of Conduct may result in consequences including, but not necessarily limited to, immediate termination of your account and denial of access to the Site. LINKS TO OTHER WEB SITES The Site contains links to third party Web sites. These links are provided solely as a convenience to you and not as an endorsement by the Company of the contents on such third-party Web sites. The Company is not responsible for the content of linked third-party sites and does not make any representations regarding the content or accuracy of materials on such third party Web sites. If you decide to access linked third-party Web sites, you do so at your own risk. SOFTWARE LICENSES Software that is made available for downloading from the Site, including but not limited to plug-ins ("Software") is protected by copyright and may be protected by other rights. The use of such software is governed by the terms of the software license agreement or designated Legal Notice accompanying such software ("License Agreement"). The downloading and use of such software is conditioned on your agreement to be bound by the terms of the License Agreement. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY Unless otherwise expressly provided in a Software License or Legal Notice, the Company is aggregate liability to subscribers for all claims arising from the use of the Site (including Software) is limited to $100.00 or the total amount received from you by Company or its agent in subscription payments in the prior three months, whichever is less. INDEMNITY You agree to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the Company, its officers, directors, employees and agents, from and against any claims, actions or demands, including without limitation reasonable legal and accounting fees, alleging or resulting from your use of the Site (including Software) or your breach of the terms of this Agreement. The Company shall provide notice to you promptly of any such claim, suit or proceeding and shall assist you, at your expense, in defending any such claim, suit or proceeding. USER INFORMATION The Companys use of information that the Company collects about you, including (but not necessarily limited to) information that you provide, is governed by the Companys privacy policy, which is incorporated by this reference as though set forth in full herein. The Companys privacy policy can be viewed at APPLICABLE LAW The Site is created and controlled in the State of Hawaii, USA. As such, the laws of the State of Hawaii will govern these disclaimers, terms and conditions, without giving effect to any principles of conflicts of laws, except as governed by Federal law. The application of the United Nations Convention of Contracts for the International Sale of Goods is expressly excluded. By using the Site, you agree to submit to the personal jurisdiction of the Superior Court of the State of Hawaii, County of Honolulu and/or the United States District Court, and to waive any objection based on improper venue or inconvenient forum in any proceeding in such tribunals. If any provision of this Agreement is held to be unenforceable for any reason, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it enforceable. Unless otherwise explicitly stated, the provisions of this Agreement shall survive its termination. This Agreement contains the entire agreement between you and the Company regarding your use of the Site and all matters directly and indirectly related thereto. ALL CONTENT APPEARING ON THE SITE IS INTENDED FOR DISTRIBUTION EXCLUSIVELY TO CONSENTING ADULTS IN LOCATIONS WHERE SUCH CONTENT DOES NOT VIOLATE ANY COMMUNITY STANDARDS OR ANY FEDERAL, STATE OR LOCAL LAW OR REGULATION OF THE UNITED STATES OR ANY OTHER COUNTRY. NO PERSONS UNDER THE AGE OF 21 YEARS MAY DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY VIEW OR POSSESS ANY OF THE CONTENTS APPEARING ON THE SITE OR PLACE ANY ORDERS FOR ANY GOODS OR WEB SITES ADVERTISED ON THE SITE. YOU HEREBY REPRESENT AND WARRANT THAT YOU ARE OVER THE AGE OF 21 YEARS. YOU HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE THAT EXPLICIT VISUAL, AUDIO AND/OR TEXTUAL DEPICTIONS OF HOMOSEXUAL CONDUCT APPEAR ON THIS WEB SITE, THAT YOU ARE FAMILIAR WITH MATERIALS OF THIS KIND, AND THAT YOU ARE NOT OFFENDED BY SUCH MATERIALS. |